Due to the rapid increase of social network resources and services, Internet users are now overwhelmed by the vast quantity of social media available. By utilizing the user’s context while consuming diverse multimedia contents, we can identify different personal preferences and settings. However, there is still a need to reinforce the recommendation process in a systematic way, with context-adaptive information. This thesis proposes a recommendation model, called HPEM, that establishes a bridge between the multimedia resources, user collaborative preferences, and the detected contextual information, including physiological parameters. The collection of contextual information and the
delivery of the resulted recommendation is made possible by adapting the user’s environment using Ambient Intelligent (AmI) interfaces. Additionally, this thesis presents the potential of including a user’s biological signal and leveraging it within an adapted collaborative filtering algorithm in the recommendation process. First, the different versions of the proposed HPEM model utilize existing online social networks by incorporating social tags and rating information in ways that personalize the search for content in a particular detected context. By leveraging the social tagging, our proposed model computes the hidden preferences of users in certain contexts from other similar contexts, as well as the hidden assignment of contexts for items from other similar items. Second, we demonstrate the use of an optimization function to maximize the Mean Average Prevision (MAP) measure of the resulted recommendations.
We demonstrate the feasibility of HPEM with two prototype applications that use contextual information for recommendations. Offline and online experiments have been conducted to measure the accuracy of delivering personalized recommendations, based on the user’s context; two real-world and one collected semi-synthetic datasets were used. Our evaluation results show a potential improvement to the quality of the recommendation when compared to state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms that consider contextual information. We also compare the proposed method to other algorithms, where user’s context is not used to personalize the recommendation results. Additionally, the results obtained demonstrate certain improvements on cold start situations, where relatively little information is known about a user or an item.
- Mohammed F. Alhamid, Majdi Rawashdeh, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, “Towards Context-Aware Media Recommendation Based on Social Tagging”, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 46 (3) pp 499–516, 2016
- Mohammed F. Alhamid, Majidi Rawashdeh, Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Haiwei Dong, and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, “Exploring Latent Preferences for Context-Aware Personalized Recommendation System” IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems Vol 46 (4), 2016, pp: 615-623
- Mohammed F. Alhamid, Majdi Rawashdeh, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, “RecAm: A Collaborative Context-Aware Framework for Multimedia Recommendations in an Ambient Intelligence Environment”, Springer Journal of Multimedia Systems, (DOI: 10.1007/s00530-015-0469-2)
- Mohammed F. Alhamid, Majdi Rawashdeh, Hussein Al Osman, M. Shamim Hossain, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, “Towards context-sensitive collaborative media recommender system”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 74, Issue 24, pp. 11399-11428, 2015.
- Majdi Rawashdeh, Mohammed F. Alhamid,Awny Alnusair,Jihad M Alja’am, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, “Towards context-sensitive collaborative media recommender system” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 74, Issue 24, pp. 11399-11428, September 2014