Important Dates
Paper submission due: 30 June. 2019 Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2019
Camera ready submission : August 15, 2019
Workshop days: Dec 13, 2019
The IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Workshop on The Advances of the Internet of Things and Cloud for Smart Connected Living (AIoTCSCL 2019) 9-13 December 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA In conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 |
Committee | Program | Paper Submission | Contact | |
With the development of smart sensors, things, cloud computing, and the next-generation wireless networking technologies, “Smart Connected Living” is getting noteworthy consideration from the academia, the industry, and from the smart world community. Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought the vision of the connected world into reality with a massive amount of data and numerous services. Cloud computing fits well as an enabling technology in this scenario as it presents a flexible stack of computing, storage and software services at low cost. The cloud-based services can provide a high quality of experience to a range of connected applications anytime and from anywhere seamlessly. However, the combination of IoT and cloud can unleash new opportunities for both technologies. The combined potential of IoT and cloud can play an important role in the connected living ecosystem by offering better insight of heterogeneous connected services in the connected world. However, the combined potential cannot be fully realized with conventional networking technologies unless the next-generation networking technologies are used. While researchers have been making advances to the study of IoT and cloud services individually, a very little attention has been given to build a cost-effective connected living ecosystem while using next-generation networking technologies. The IoT-Cloud convergence for connected ecosystem has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of communications, architectures, protocols and designs of the next-generation wireless networking technologies. Nevertheless, many technical challenges need to be addressed before this potential can be realized. This workshop aims to report high quality research on recent advances in various aspects of smart connected living, more specifically to the state-of-the-art approaches, methodologies and systems in the design, development, deployment and innovative use of networked services, tools and technologies for smart connected living. Authors are solicited to submit complete unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to the following topics of interest.:
M. Shamim Hossain, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Mohsen Guizani, University of Idaho, USA Victor C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada |
Keynote Speaker
To be confirmed |
Technical Program Committee (Tentative) |
Mohsen Guizani, University of Idaho, USA Victor C. M. Leung, university of British Columbia, Canada Min Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Yan Zhang, University of Oslo, Norway Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada Changxeng Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Athanasios Vasilakos, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden Ammar Rayes, Cisco Systems, USA Yin Zhang, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China Stefan Goebel, TU Darmstadt, Germany Giovanna Sannino, CNR-ICAR, Italy Syed M. Rahman, University of Hawai, USA Kwang-Cheng Chen, University of South Florida, USA Mukaddim Pathan, Australian National University (ANU), Australia Gamhewage Chaminda de Silva, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Macquarie University, Australia Abdussalam Yassine, Lakehead University, Canada Muhammad Ghulam, CCIS, King Saud University, KSA Josu Bilbao, IK4-IKERLAN, Spain Susan Malaika, IBM, USA Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, UAP and SEU Jorge Parra, IIK4-IKERLAN, Spain Jiafu Wan, South China University of Technology, China |
Paper Submission |
Submission guidelines: Full-length papers of 6 pages in length. Detailed submission instructions are available at: Submission website: Submit Paper to AIoTCSCL, please make sure that the following workshop name appears in the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Workshop on the Advances of the Internet of Things and Cloud for Smart Connected LivingAccepted papers will be published by IEEE in the workshop proceedings along with the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 proceedings. Extended versions of some selected accepted papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of Q1-ISI-indexed Journals
Dec 13,-x- Room No:x, xxxxxx
Registration |
Contact: Shamim: mshossain (at), Mohsen: mguizani (at)IEEE.ORG, Victor C.M. Leung: vleung@[at]