2019 Canadian Humboldt Kolleg

2019 Canadian Humboldt Kolleg – 9, 10, 11 May 2019 in Ottawa 

About the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation, established in 1953, sponsors academic cooperation between top-flight German and foreign academics and enjoys an outstanding reputation across the globe.  Annually, AvH grants more than 700 research fellowships and awards providing funding to suit every career stage – from young postdoctoral researchers to experienced world leaders in their field, and covering a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. Believing that the ability of the individual is crucial for academic success, AvH sponsors individuals rather than projects. The AvH is a lifetime enduring partner, maintaining the connections on a long-term basis through its alumni sponsorship programs.  As a result, an active network of over 26,000 Humboldtians has been formed, embracing more than 140 countries.  More information can be found on their website:  https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/home.html

What is the Humboldt Association of Canada (HAC)?

The purpose of the Association as a forum for Canadian AvH fellows to network and maintain scholarly exchanges with each other, is to raise awareness and visibility for AvH programs, and to nurture scholarly collaborations with Germany by, for example, encouraging Canadian scholars to invite AvH Lynen fellows to conduct research in Canada and by periodic invitations to German scholars to visit Canada to present their research findings.

What is a Humboldt Kolleg?

The Kolleg is a national and interdisciplinary conference organized on the initiative of the HAC about every four years.  The aim is to strengthen regional and interdisciplinary networking of Humboldtians and spark interest in AvH programs.  Attendees include academics, researchers, scholars, leading scientists, and government officials from Canada and Germany. The Kolleg format features prominent keynote speakers, as well as brief presentations and discussion forums around a central theme, and often includes an excursion to allow informal discussions and networking.  The 2016 Kolleg hosted at University of Toronto focused on the theme of ‘time’.  The Kolleg is generously supported by grants from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and with the support of the Embassy of Germany in Canada.

Details of 2019 Canadian Kolleg:

 Dates:  9, 10, 11 May 2019 in Ottawa at the University of Ottawa Campus (TBC)

Theme:  Transitions   2019 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt


  • Prof. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (Conference Chair), University of Ottawa
  • Dr. Jennifer E. Decker, National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and AvH Ambassador Scientist, Local Organization Chair
  • Prof. Chung-Wai Chow, U. Toronto, AvH Ambassador Scientist  and HAC President (past Conference Chair).

Who should attend?

 Canadian Humboldtians and researchers wishing to learn more about AvH programs; early career researchers (<12 years of PhD) are eligible for funding assistance.

Interested in contributing?

HAC is grateful to sponsors and the cadre of volunteers who make the Kolleg a success.  Interested in contributing your time and talent?

Please contact:

News and Updates:

Humboldt Foundation Liaison Office of Canada Website:  http://www.hfloc.ca/

Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859),  Discoverer, Universal scholar, Cosmopolitan,  Patron of excellent scientific talent.